Personal Development is more than simply PSHEE. We have designed our PD curriculum to cover all key aspects of the PSHEE and RSHE curriculum and recognise the importance of each pupil having further opportunities to develop their understanding of themselves and of the wider world.

Dedicated teachers work with the children focusing on understanding who they are and can be as individuals; we guide the children to be independent, resourceful, and compassionate to themselves as well as others. Links are made across the academic curriculum and the co-curricular provision so that the key themes of mutual respect, kindness and empathy are part of the fabric of each day.


Emotional, physical health and wellbeing

Emotional wellbeing is fundamental for children to reach their potential and to be able to be positive young citizens within their school and wider community.

Sherborne Prep is committed to supporting all children to become resilient and content in themselves alongside being curious learners who are not afraid to take on challenges in and out of the classroom. The core values support this commitment as children are guided in how to persevere; to realise failure as fundamental to learning and to grow into outward facing, flexible thinking citizens who are aware of their own self and others. There are a myriad of opportunities for children to focus on personal wellbeing throughout the school day: be that in lessons, in House meetings, school and food council sessions in addition to daily tutor times.