A typical day at Sherborne Prep Nursery begins at 8:00am with drop off at our early club. Children are welcomed by the Nursery team and play with their friends from Pre-Prep. By 8:45am all our Nursery children have arrived and it’s time for an invigorating ‘Wake and Shake’ session to get the blood flowing and energy high! Circle time follows, where our children learn to share their feelings, celebrate each other’s successes, and listen carefully.

At 10am it’s time for Mrs McFarlane to visit from the Prep PE department. Throwing and catching in the sun on Lower Paddock, or gym in our Prep school hall are just some of the activities on offer. All that exercise has made children hungry – luckily, it’s time for snack! Sausage roll, pizza pinwheel, mini-muffin, biscuits and cheese…what will it be? All snacks are provided by our superb catering team and are included in the fee. After snack it’s time for outdoor free play, where children can play in the Nursery sand pit, on our Nursery pirate ship climbing frame or scoot around the playground on our balance bikes.

By 11am it’s time for some adult led activities. Mark making, forming letters, phonics, counting skills, arts and crafts, baking…the list is endless, and all led by our EYFS trained teacher and supported by our expert Early Years team.

Lunch follows, and Nursery children learn to navigate the Prep site as they’re led by their teachers to the Prep building for lunch in our dining hall. A two-course lunch offering lots of variety is provided in the fees, with all children taught how to use a knife and fork, correct table manners and how to make healthy choices about food.

In the afternoon it’s time for a romp through our Forest School. Bug searching in our Wildflower Garden, planting in our raised beds, searching the undergrowth for minibeasts, pond dipping…if you go down to the woods today, you’re sure to find Nursery wellie-deep in some exciting explorations!

After that it’s time for a final snack (a piece of fresh fruit) before getting ready for home time or attending our after-school stay and play session (free for siblings of those further up the school).

By the end of all that your child will leave tired but loving their day at Sherborne Prep Nursery, ready for a good night’s sleep and dreams of what fun awaits in the morning and beyond!