A usual day in Year 1 begins with children lining up and coming in calmly when the bell rings at 8:20am (children are welcome to join our breakfast club from 7:30am or our early club from 8am). Taking care to responsibly hang their coat and PE bag on their named peg, children then place their reading book in the right tray before sorting their book bag and getting their whiteboard and pen out ready for phonics. After learning our new sound of the day and practicing their cursive handwriting, it’s time for French with our Prep school French teacher. Après Francais, it’s time for Maths. Adding, subtracting, place value, shape, problem solving; mathematical learning can take many forms in Pre-Prep.
After all that learning, it’s time for a break on our newly renovated playground. But not before a snack! What will Nick, our on-site chef, have rustled up today? Hot sausage roll (vegetarian alternative provided)? Muffins? Cookies? Buttered bagels? It’s always a highlight of the day, and not just for the children! All Pre-Prep children share the same play space, fostering close cross-year friendships that last throughout their time at the Prep. Play Leaders from Year 7 will arrive to further cement the bond between our youngest and oldest learners.
After a calm-down tidy at the end of play it’s time for English. What will it be this week? Story writing about an adventure, instructions on how to make a magical potion, letter writing to a famous astronaut? Our teachers are always thinking up inventive ways to keep children engaged in their learning. Music follows with one of inspirational and very talented music teachers.
Now it’s time for lunch. Children enjoy a two-course hot meal (including dietary specific needs where requested) served by their class teacher in the Prep dining hall. All children are encouraged to learn good table manners from an early age and taught how to use a knife and fork correctly.
During lunch play it’s time for Samba Band! The playground empties as children conga off to our bespoke music block for their samba lesson. Termly concerts showcase the progress all children make across our musical curriculum.
After lunch break children change independently and get ready for PE. Gymnastics, Football, Touch Rugby, Hockey and Athletics are all taught at various points throughout the year, either on site or in the Sherborne School sports centre. Following PE it’s time for History. Zoom back in time to medieval castles, ancient Egypt or The Great Fire of London.
What a fun-filled school day! For those not being collected at 3:45pm, we offer a Stay & Play or enrichment club until 5pm. Pre-Prep aged children are encouraged to leave at 5pm at the latest as they’re very tired by this stage, but we do offer a Supper club for those unable to collect before 6pm.
The best way to experience our school day is to book your child in for a Taster Session, where they will spend the day in their class-to-be and begin to make new friendships!